This week we have moved into our new classroom on the Sandy Flatts site. We were all very excited to explore it and have settled in well. In Geography we have been learning about the water cycle and we have made our own display to go up in the classroom showing what we have learned. In Maths we have been working on positional language, building towers by listening to the instructions of where to place the blocks. In English we are using our Art topic to write a recount about fabric designs. 

Explorer of the Week

Well done to all our Explorers of the Week!

Becky’s Class Azhar For sitting independently at circle time

Maddi’s Class Sophie For joining class circle time independently and engaging well with activities

Safah’s Class Joseph For fantastic engagemnt during story time.

Kirsty’s Class Poppy  For doing the actions to Head shoulder knees and toes 

Sophie’s Class Joey For his engagement in independent activities

Chloe’s Class Halle For following instructions and amazing work in phonics. 

Charlotte’s Class Abdul For amazing engagement and listening to instructions

Laura’s Class Otis Using sound buttons linked to our story

Michelle’s Class Daniel   Great counting work in maths 

Dominic’s Class Jacob For his engagement with his reading books

Katherine’s Class Sebi For putting in 100% effort with his phonics

Lara’s Class Siham For fantastic write dance and eating well in the dinner hall.

Clare’s Class Morgan For showing positivity about changing classrooms

Kathryn’s Class Zaki Settling well into the new classroom routines

Sarah’s Class Kiki For following her new workstation routine with less adult support

Jenni’s Class Kimberley Fantastic effort in her learning and focus. 

Latest News

Academy News

Discovery Blog 18.10.2024

This week we have moved into our new classroom on the Sandy...

Full details

Discovery Blog 11.10.2024

This week the children in Sophie's class have been learning all about...

Full details

Discovery Blog 04.10.2024

In Alex’s class the children have been enjoying studying their new subject...

Full details

Discovery Blog 27.09.2024

This week in Kathryn’s class, we have been experimenting with light! We...

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Discovery Blog 20.09.2024

The children have settled so well into nursery. We have had a...

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Discovery Blog 13.09.2024

In Charlotte's class this week we have been settling into the new...

Full details

Our School


When you enter the main building, you are greeted by a beautiful large fish tank and an overwhelming sense of calm and quietness. That is not to say incidents don’t happen, they do, but the staff have a very calm manner of dealing with things.

Moving through the school and its grounds you see that Discovery Special Academy and the Trust recognise the uniqueness of every child and promotes inclusion through their holistic approach. Having an holistic approach to ensure the children made progress socially and emotionally as well as academically was evident and underpinned every decision the school leaders and staff made.

Staff across school are passionate about supporting all children and everything they do places the children firmly at the centre. Staff work as a close team and feel trusted to work for the good of all. They are innovative in their approach to supporting the needs of children. The clear systems and processes evidenced in their daily day-to-day practice make school a calm place to learn and work.

Parents are extremely supportive and appreciative of the work of the school. One parent said of the staff ‘It’s like having another parent for my child’. Another said, ‘Everything I need is here from the staff because through their support they know the children better than we do’. Through the work of the Pastoral Team the school is keen to continue to encourage parents to play a part in school life.

There is a feeling of ambition, enthuisiam and passion for the students of Discovery

-IQM Assessor

You are all brilliant!


The environments have a calm feel to them. The classroom structure is suited to the pupil needs

-Student Teacher

My child has come on leaps and bounds since joining Discovery, staff are doing a fantastic job, the school is always willing to help in and outside of school.


The learning environment, resources and the use of ICT is designed to create an innovative and enriched experience for all pupils

-IQM Assessor

The staff have all been very nurturing and loving to the children. They are very fair.

-Student Teacher

Discovery is an amazing school with fantastic staff, who help your child through every aspect.


The environment is very calming and suited to the needs of children. Everything has been considered to make the best of the learning environment for the children.

-Student Teacher

Absolutely AMAZING school with brilliant, hard-working and passionate teachers and staff! I would 100% recommend Discovery to any parent. My child has made significant progress since starting Discovery, plus my child is so happy and enjoys going to school, couldn’t ask for anything better for my child.


We're really looking forward to working in your lovely school and supporting your wonderful pupils.

-Scott, NHS Eyecare Service

Thanks so much for taking the time to show us round - your school has such a lovely feel to it and we can’t wait to get started.

-Emma, NHS Eyecare Service

"You are fun, kind and always have my back. If it wasn’t for you my dinner times would be so boring. A big thanks to the staff for making sure all the kids were safe at all times and the children always made sure I wasn’t being boring by telling me what to play. Through discovery we grow."

- Discovery Playtime Buddy from Brambles Primary Academy

This is a school where relationships matter. Relationships are seen as pivotal to success and are valued and nurtured.

-IQM Assessor

I have enjoyed seeing the relationships that the staff build with every child, how personal everything is too each child to get the most from everyday.

-Trainee Teacher

"To all teachers and staff. Thank you so much for everything you have done for my daughter."

- Parent

"Very impressed with the energy and passion of the staff! Very dedicated team."

- Dance Teacher

Staff have worked hard to develop an understanding of each child and to ensure they develop into successful young people

-IQM Assessor

"We’ve noticed our son’s progress since he’s been here. He’s speaking in longer sentences and we don’t have as many melt downs. Well done team!"

- Parent

Ambition and high expectations are in evidence throughout the academy and children, staff and families have risen to this challenge.

-IQM Assessor

Discovery is a very friendly person centered school where every member of staff is passionate about meeting the needs of every child and progressing them onto their future.

-Trainee Teacher

Photographs in classrooms and corridors capture children deeply engaged in their learning and wider experiences.

-IQM Assessor

"I am really pleased with the progress my son has made since attending Discovery, he has come on in leaps and bounds and looks forward to going to school on a morning."

- Parent

"The staff at the academy do an amazing job. My son has come on so much in just his first term here."

- Parent

Celebration assembly demonstrated the flexible, responsive approach and the family spirit.

-IQM Assessor

"I cannot praise them enough. Every member of staff we have come across has been amazing, The best school by far for children with special/complex needs."

- Parent

The positive attendance trends at Discovery Special Academy.

-IQM Assessor

The children are blessed to have staff like that. All they want is for your child to succeed.


I had the best day. The kids are gorgeous and the teachers and staff are so organised, just perfect. Just how it should be!

-Supply Teacher

I think it is lovely how each staff member understands each child. There is an amazing atmosphere and the environment is key.

-Trainee Teacher

The staff at Discovery genuinely care about their students well-being and their happiness and that shines through


I wouldn’t have my child anywhere else, we all love Discovery


This is a place where children are safe, want to be and want to learn.

-IQM Assessor

I love how much my child has come on since joining Discovery


Discovery Special Academy is an amazing school, it caters for children and their individual specific needs with that extra caring touch


She loves going to school and the progress she has made is fantastic, the communication and support is brilliant for not only my child but as a family too


The school is amazing and before my son attended he couldn’t do all the things he can now, and as a Dad I am very happy


The relationship between the staff and pupils is kind, caring and patient. The staff go above and beyond to cater to every child's needs.

-Trainee Teacher

I couldn’t be happier with my child’s progress since starting at Discovery


When we started visiting Discovery Academy with our dogs we weren't sure what to expect or how the dogs would take to it. The staff have been so lovely and welcoming. The reaction of the children has been amazing. The school is totally inspirational. Each week when we drive away we know we have made a difference to those children's lives and are very proud of our dogs.

-Lynne and Paul (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

My son is learning new things everyday.


I honestly cant' thank the staff enough, they are all amazing.


Well that was an amazing session. We were both blown away by the children, staff and school.

-Lynne (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

It is clear at Discovery that the adults and children have mutual respect and adoration for each other

-Trainee Teacher

Every day when I drop my child off and pick him up I see all of the staff smiling, the children are all smiling, staff and children are interacting with each other so lovely, everybody who I speak to is so kind and helpful and I can see the love and care that everyone has for the children, I am so happy that my child comes to this school.


Dave and I really enjoyed teaching the children. All the classes were happy and well mannered with some good swimmers too. Staff were very professional at all times and that showed in the children's ability to learn. We hope that you enjoyed the lessons and would love to see you back in September.

-Dave and Dianne (Ashgrove Lodge)

My child had a great night 10pm that's the earliest she has gone to sleep with no fuss till 7.30am this morning. She did not want to get up this morning. I can't thank you enough for your support that's the best nights sleep I've had in 2 years. Thank you so much for all of your schools support. Massive thank you to the lady and the driver who picks my child up they are amazing they make my child and me feel so comfortable sends her into school. Thank you.


Thank you so much for making my visit so memorable. It was a real pleasure to come and share my books with the pupils. They were all wonderful and should be very proud of themselves. It was such an honour to see them doing activities inspired by my books - and it warmed my heart to see how inclusive the school is.

-Author from our visit

I am so happy. My child said two words to me for the first time today. Thank you very much to all the wonderful teachers.


Since starting Discovery, I feel all of his needs have been met. He is settled at home and relaxed.


We can't believe the difference in just a few weeks of being at Discovery.


We have noticed such a positive difference at home, they are sleeping better. Thank you.


This week the children in Sophie’s class have been learning all about Autumn. We have used lots of different autumnal coloured paints for mark making, fallen leaves for creating our own autumn tress and explored different sensory textures in our tuff tray. Our number rhyme was ‘5 Current Buns’ and we enjoyed counting the buns and exchanging our pennies with each other. 

Middlesbrough Council are  hoping to organise a Parent/Carer conference for parents/carers of children with SEND (taking place in Jan 2025). The conference aims to provide an opportunity for our SEND parent/Carers to gain greater awareness of SEND developments, structures, and services in Middlesbrough from key professionals and senior leaders across education, health, and social care. It will also be an opportunity to work together to identify key priorities for the new SEND and Inclusion Strategy which will be published in 2025.

Please scan the QR code to submit your views which will then directly feed into the conference. This is a great opportunity to give Parent/Carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities in Middlesbrough, a chance to give us some feedback and have a voice.

Explorers of the Week

Well done to all our explorers

Becky’s Class Riley For joining in with circle time songs

Maddi’s Class Remaè For excellent engagement in lessons and beautiful independent imaginative play Zahida’s Class Lucas For initiating an activity with an adult 

Morgan’s Class Vienna For communicating for more social engagment and joining in with actions

Safah’s Class Izaak For fantastic Maths work. 

Kirsty’s Class Harper  For initiating an activity with an adult 

Sophie’s Class Temidire  Working on his sharing skills

Chloe’s Class Halle For excellent work in phonics.

Charlotte’s Class Esme For excellent engagement in group and 1 to 1 tasks.

Michelle’s Class Furqan Great work in Maths with colours and counting 

Dominic’s Class Kian For his engagement and counting skills in Maths 

Katherine’s Class Joel  For being more independent at dinner time, choosing his own food and eating with cutlery.

Lara’s Class Harry For some great letter formation work and for using a pencil grip.

Clare’s Class Sofie Showing engagement in her work and with her peers.

Kathryn’s Class Lexi Exceptional creative writing and poetry

Sarah’s Class Tia For being extremely helpful all week helping staff and her peers.

Jenni’s Class Simrah Having the confidence to lead a group of peers in PE, giving instructions and creating a routine. 

Alex’s Class Mohamad For always showing so much enthusiasm for new learning and being a role model to his peers 

Latest News

Academy News

Discovery Blog 18.10.2024

This week we have moved into our new classroom on the Sandy...

Full details

Discovery Blog 11.10.2024

This week the children in Sophie's class have been learning all about...

Full details

Discovery Blog 04.10.2024

In Alex’s class the children have been enjoying studying their new subject...

Full details

Discovery Blog 27.09.2024

This week in Kathryn’s class, we have been experimenting with light! We...

Full details

Discovery Blog 20.09.2024

The children have settled so well into nursery. We have had a...

Full details

Discovery Blog 13.09.2024

In Charlotte's class this week we have been settling into the new...

Full details

Our School


When you enter the main building, you are greeted by a beautiful large fish tank and an overwhelming sense of calm and quietness. That is not to say incidents don’t happen, they do, but the staff have a very calm manner of dealing with things.

Moving through the school and its grounds you see that Discovery Special Academy and the Trust recognise the uniqueness of every child and promotes inclusion through their holistic approach. Having an holistic approach to ensure the children made progress socially and emotionally as well as academically was evident and underpinned every decision the school leaders and staff made.

Staff across school are passionate about supporting all children and everything they do places the children firmly at the centre. Staff work as a close team and feel trusted to work for the good of all. They are innovative in their approach to supporting the needs of children. The clear systems and processes evidenced in their daily day-to-day practice make school a calm place to learn and work.

Parents are extremely supportive and appreciative of the work of the school. One parent said of the staff ‘It’s like having another parent for my child’. Another said, ‘Everything I need is here from the staff because through their support they know the children better than we do’. Through the work of the Pastoral Team the school is keen to continue to encourage parents to play a part in school life.

There is a feeling of ambition, enthuisiam and passion for the students of Discovery

-IQM Assessor

You are all brilliant!


The environments have a calm feel to them. The classroom structure is suited to the pupil needs

-Student Teacher

My child has come on leaps and bounds since joining Discovery, staff are doing a fantastic job, the school is always willing to help in and outside of school.


The learning environment, resources and the use of ICT is designed to create an innovative and enriched experience for all pupils

-IQM Assessor

The staff have all been very nurturing and loving to the children. They are very fair.

-Student Teacher

Discovery is an amazing school with fantastic staff, who help your child through every aspect.


The environment is very calming and suited to the needs of children. Everything has been considered to make the best of the learning environment for the children.

-Student Teacher

Absolutely AMAZING school with brilliant, hard-working and passionate teachers and staff! I would 100% recommend Discovery to any parent. My child has made significant progress since starting Discovery, plus my child is so happy and enjoys going to school, couldn’t ask for anything better for my child.


We're really looking forward to working in your lovely school and supporting your wonderful pupils.

-Scott, NHS Eyecare Service

Thanks so much for taking the time to show us round - your school has such a lovely feel to it and we can’t wait to get started.

-Emma, NHS Eyecare Service

"You are fun, kind and always have my back. If it wasn’t for you my dinner times would be so boring. A big thanks to the staff for making sure all the kids were safe at all times and the children always made sure I wasn’t being boring by telling me what to play. Through discovery we grow."

- Discovery Playtime Buddy from Brambles Primary Academy

This is a school where relationships matter. Relationships are seen as pivotal to success and are valued and nurtured.

-IQM Assessor

I have enjoyed seeing the relationships that the staff build with every child, how personal everything is too each child to get the most from everyday.

-Trainee Teacher

"To all teachers and staff. Thank you so much for everything you have done for my daughter."

- Parent

"Very impressed with the energy and passion of the staff! Very dedicated team."

- Dance Teacher

Staff have worked hard to develop an understanding of each child and to ensure they develop into successful young people

-IQM Assessor

"We’ve noticed our son’s progress since he’s been here. He’s speaking in longer sentences and we don’t have as many melt downs. Well done team!"

- Parent

Ambition and high expectations are in evidence throughout the academy and children, staff and families have risen to this challenge.

-IQM Assessor

Discovery is a very friendly person centered school where every member of staff is passionate about meeting the needs of every child and progressing them onto their future.

-Trainee Teacher

Photographs in classrooms and corridors capture children deeply engaged in their learning and wider experiences.

-IQM Assessor

"I am really pleased with the progress my son has made since attending Discovery, he has come on in leaps and bounds and looks forward to going to school on a morning."

- Parent

"The staff at the academy do an amazing job. My son has come on so much in just his first term here."

- Parent

Celebration assembly demonstrated the flexible, responsive approach and the family spirit.

-IQM Assessor

"I cannot praise them enough. Every member of staff we have come across has been amazing, The best school by far for children with special/complex needs."

- Parent

The positive attendance trends at Discovery Special Academy.

-IQM Assessor

The children are blessed to have staff like that. All they want is for your child to succeed.


I had the best day. The kids are gorgeous and the teachers and staff are so organised, just perfect. Just how it should be!

-Supply Teacher

I think it is lovely how each staff member understands each child. There is an amazing atmosphere and the environment is key.

-Trainee Teacher

The staff at Discovery genuinely care about their students well-being and their happiness and that shines through


I wouldn’t have my child anywhere else, we all love Discovery


This is a place where children are safe, want to be and want to learn.

-IQM Assessor

I love how much my child has come on since joining Discovery


Discovery Special Academy is an amazing school, it caters for children and their individual specific needs with that extra caring touch


She loves going to school and the progress she has made is fantastic, the communication and support is brilliant for not only my child but as a family too


The school is amazing and before my son attended he couldn’t do all the things he can now, and as a Dad I am very happy


The relationship between the staff and pupils is kind, caring and patient. The staff go above and beyond to cater to every child's needs.

-Trainee Teacher

I couldn’t be happier with my child’s progress since starting at Discovery


When we started visiting Discovery Academy with our dogs we weren't sure what to expect or how the dogs would take to it. The staff have been so lovely and welcoming. The reaction of the children has been amazing. The school is totally inspirational. Each week when we drive away we know we have made a difference to those children's lives and are very proud of our dogs.

-Lynne and Paul (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

My son is learning new things everyday.


I honestly cant' thank the staff enough, they are all amazing.


Well that was an amazing session. We were both blown away by the children, staff and school.

-Lynne (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

It is clear at Discovery that the adults and children have mutual respect and adoration for each other

-Trainee Teacher

Every day when I drop my child off and pick him up I see all of the staff smiling, the children are all smiling, staff and children are interacting with each other so lovely, everybody who I speak to is so kind and helpful and I can see the love and care that everyone has for the children, I am so happy that my child comes to this school.


Dave and I really enjoyed teaching the children. All the classes were happy and well mannered with some good swimmers too. Staff were very professional at all times and that showed in the children's ability to learn. We hope that you enjoyed the lessons and would love to see you back in September.

-Dave and Dianne (Ashgrove Lodge)

My child had a great night 10pm that's the earliest she has gone to sleep with no fuss till 7.30am this morning. She did not want to get up this morning. I can't thank you enough for your support that's the best nights sleep I've had in 2 years. Thank you so much for all of your schools support. Massive thank you to the lady and the driver who picks my child up they are amazing they make my child and me feel so comfortable sends her into school. Thank you.


Thank you so much for making my visit so memorable. It was a real pleasure to come and share my books with the pupils. They were all wonderful and should be very proud of themselves. It was such an honour to see them doing activities inspired by my books - and it warmed my heart to see how inclusive the school is.

-Author from our visit

I am so happy. My child said two words to me for the first time today. Thank you very much to all the wonderful teachers.


Since starting Discovery, I feel all of his needs have been met. He is settled at home and relaxed.


We can't believe the difference in just a few weeks of being at Discovery.


We have noticed such a positive difference at home, they are sleeping better. Thank you.


In Alex’s class the children have been enjoying studying their new subject of Careers. The children have been researching different careers and finding out what skills and qualities are needed to be successful in the job! In Creative Arts, the children have also been researching the artist Frida Kahlo and creating portraits of her using paint, as well as learning about her life. The children have been learning about the Vikings in their Social and Cultural lessons and created models of Viking ships using recyclable materials.

Take 10 to Read Information

Explorer of the Week

Well done to all of our Explorers.

Becky’s Class Daisie for following Nursery routines independently

Maddi’s Class Carter For engaging with carpet time more independently and sitting well in the hall for lunch 

Morgan’s Class Luke For independently coming to sit at snack time 

Safah’s Class Jessica Beautiful singing and fantastic phonics.

Kirsty’s Class Scarlet For fantastic interaction when sharing a book  with an adult

Sophie’s Class Hunter For fantastic engagement in adult led activities. 

Chloe’s Class Natan Asking staff for help to self regulate.

Charlotte’s Class Jason For engaging independently in group tasks and completeing work on his own. 

Laura’s Class Lilly  For taking an adult by the hand and showing them what she wants. 

Michelle’s Class Daniel   beautiful one to one work 

Dominic’s Class Jenson For his confidence in trying new activities

Katherine’s Class Victor For trying hard to make a small range of simple sentences in English about Captain Cook

Lara’s Class Jude For using his independence when exploring classroom activities.

Clare’s Class Zaki  Contributing well to class discussions

Kathryn’s Class Jaycee For approaching every task with positivity

Sarah’s Class Oliver For writing a super report about the stone age.

Lydia’s Class Isla For working really hard to work independently 

Jenni’s Class Byron Fantastic input to the warm up task in PE and brilliant enthusiasm for performing the warm up infront of another younger class.

Alex’s Class Aqsa For showing enthusiasim for reading and trying to read texts outside her comfort zone 

Latest News

Academy News

Discovery Blog 18.10.2024

This week we have moved into our new classroom on the Sandy...

Full details

Discovery Blog 11.10.2024

This week the children in Sophie's class have been learning all about...

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Discovery Blog 04.10.2024

In Alex’s class the children have been enjoying studying their new subject...

Full details

Discovery Blog 27.09.2024

This week in Kathryn’s class, we have been experimenting with light! We...

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Discovery Blog 20.09.2024

The children have settled so well into nursery. We have had a...

Full details

Discovery Blog 13.09.2024

In Charlotte's class this week we have been settling into the new...

Full details

Our School


When you enter the main building, you are greeted by a beautiful large fish tank and an overwhelming sense of calm and quietness. That is not to say incidents don’t happen, they do, but the staff have a very calm manner of dealing with things.

Moving through the school and its grounds you see that Discovery Special Academy and the Trust recognise the uniqueness of every child and promotes inclusion through their holistic approach. Having an holistic approach to ensure the children made progress socially and emotionally as well as academically was evident and underpinned every decision the school leaders and staff made.

Staff across school are passionate about supporting all children and everything they do places the children firmly at the centre. Staff work as a close team and feel trusted to work for the good of all. They are innovative in their approach to supporting the needs of children. The clear systems and processes evidenced in their daily day-to-day practice make school a calm place to learn and work.

Parents are extremely supportive and appreciative of the work of the school. One parent said of the staff ‘It’s like having another parent for my child’. Another said, ‘Everything I need is here from the staff because through their support they know the children better than we do’. Through the work of the Pastoral Team the school is keen to continue to encourage parents to play a part in school life.

There is a feeling of ambition, enthuisiam and passion for the students of Discovery

-IQM Assessor

You are all brilliant!


The environments have a calm feel to them. The classroom structure is suited to the pupil needs

-Student Teacher

My child has come on leaps and bounds since joining Discovery, staff are doing a fantastic job, the school is always willing to help in and outside of school.


The learning environment, resources and the use of ICT is designed to create an innovative and enriched experience for all pupils

-IQM Assessor

The staff have all been very nurturing and loving to the children. They are very fair.

-Student Teacher

Discovery is an amazing school with fantastic staff, who help your child through every aspect.


The environment is very calming and suited to the needs of children. Everything has been considered to make the best of the learning environment for the children.

-Student Teacher

Absolutely AMAZING school with brilliant, hard-working and passionate teachers and staff! I would 100% recommend Discovery to any parent. My child has made significant progress since starting Discovery, plus my child is so happy and enjoys going to school, couldn’t ask for anything better for my child.


We're really looking forward to working in your lovely school and supporting your wonderful pupils.

-Scott, NHS Eyecare Service

Thanks so much for taking the time to show us round - your school has such a lovely feel to it and we can’t wait to get started.

-Emma, NHS Eyecare Service

"You are fun, kind and always have my back. If it wasn’t for you my dinner times would be so boring. A big thanks to the staff for making sure all the kids were safe at all times and the children always made sure I wasn’t being boring by telling me what to play. Through discovery we grow."

- Discovery Playtime Buddy from Brambles Primary Academy

This is a school where relationships matter. Relationships are seen as pivotal to success and are valued and nurtured.

-IQM Assessor

I have enjoyed seeing the relationships that the staff build with every child, how personal everything is too each child to get the most from everyday.

-Trainee Teacher

"To all teachers and staff. Thank you so much for everything you have done for my daughter."

- Parent

"Very impressed with the energy and passion of the staff! Very dedicated team."

- Dance Teacher

Staff have worked hard to develop an understanding of each child and to ensure they develop into successful young people

-IQM Assessor

"We’ve noticed our son’s progress since he’s been here. He’s speaking in longer sentences and we don’t have as many melt downs. Well done team!"

- Parent

Ambition and high expectations are in evidence throughout the academy and children, staff and families have risen to this challenge.

-IQM Assessor

Discovery is a very friendly person centered school where every member of staff is passionate about meeting the needs of every child and progressing them onto their future.

-Trainee Teacher

Photographs in classrooms and corridors capture children deeply engaged in their learning and wider experiences.

-IQM Assessor

"I am really pleased with the progress my son has made since attending Discovery, he has come on in leaps and bounds and looks forward to going to school on a morning."

- Parent

"The staff at the academy do an amazing job. My son has come on so much in just his first term here."

- Parent

Celebration assembly demonstrated the flexible, responsive approach and the family spirit.

-IQM Assessor

"I cannot praise them enough. Every member of staff we have come across has been amazing, The best school by far for children with special/complex needs."

- Parent

The positive attendance trends at Discovery Special Academy.

-IQM Assessor

The children are blessed to have staff like that. All they want is for your child to succeed.


I had the best day. The kids are gorgeous and the teachers and staff are so organised, just perfect. Just how it should be!

-Supply Teacher

I think it is lovely how each staff member understands each child. There is an amazing atmosphere and the environment is key.

-Trainee Teacher

The staff at Discovery genuinely care about their students well-being and their happiness and that shines through


I wouldn’t have my child anywhere else, we all love Discovery


This is a place where children are safe, want to be and want to learn.

-IQM Assessor

I love how much my child has come on since joining Discovery


Discovery Special Academy is an amazing school, it caters for children and their individual specific needs with that extra caring touch


She loves going to school and the progress she has made is fantastic, the communication and support is brilliant for not only my child but as a family too


The school is amazing and before my son attended he couldn’t do all the things he can now, and as a Dad I am very happy


The relationship between the staff and pupils is kind, caring and patient. The staff go above and beyond to cater to every child's needs.

-Trainee Teacher

I couldn’t be happier with my child’s progress since starting at Discovery


When we started visiting Discovery Academy with our dogs we weren't sure what to expect or how the dogs would take to it. The staff have been so lovely and welcoming. The reaction of the children has been amazing. The school is totally inspirational. Each week when we drive away we know we have made a difference to those children's lives and are very proud of our dogs.

-Lynne and Paul (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

My son is learning new things everyday.


I honestly cant' thank the staff enough, they are all amazing.


Well that was an amazing session. We were both blown away by the children, staff and school.

-Lynne (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

It is clear at Discovery that the adults and children have mutual respect and adoration for each other

-Trainee Teacher

Every day when I drop my child off and pick him up I see all of the staff smiling, the children are all smiling, staff and children are interacting with each other so lovely, everybody who I speak to is so kind and helpful and I can see the love and care that everyone has for the children, I am so happy that my child comes to this school.


Dave and I really enjoyed teaching the children. All the classes were happy and well mannered with some good swimmers too. Staff were very professional at all times and that showed in the children's ability to learn. We hope that you enjoyed the lessons and would love to see you back in September.

-Dave and Dianne (Ashgrove Lodge)

My child had a great night 10pm that's the earliest she has gone to sleep with no fuss till 7.30am this morning. She did not want to get up this morning. I can't thank you enough for your support that's the best nights sleep I've had in 2 years. Thank you so much for all of your schools support. Massive thank you to the lady and the driver who picks my child up they are amazing they make my child and me feel so comfortable sends her into school. Thank you.


Thank you so much for making my visit so memorable. It was a real pleasure to come and share my books with the pupils. They were all wonderful and should be very proud of themselves. It was such an honour to see them doing activities inspired by my books - and it warmed my heart to see how inclusive the school is.

-Author from our visit

I am so happy. My child said two words to me for the first time today. Thank you very much to all the wonderful teachers.


Since starting Discovery, I feel all of his needs have been met. He is settled at home and relaxed.


We can't believe the difference in just a few weeks of being at Discovery.


We have noticed such a positive difference at home, they are sleeping better. Thank you.


This week in Kathryn’s class, we have been experimenting with light! We were so brave being one of the first classes to present our learning to our friends from other year groups in Achievement Assembly. Together, we developed a script. Here it is: ‘We made a line of enquiry to investigate: what happens when a solid object is put in front of a light source? As a group, we agreed on a hypothesis: ‘The solid object will cast a shadow’. We listed the equipment we needed. The sun was the light source we used. We made shadow puppets and went to the sunny playground. The shadow puppets blocked the sun light. We observed shadows on the yard. This is because light travels in straight lines.’

We also found out… We are SCIENTISTS!

Explorer of the Week

Well Done to all our Explorers

Becky’s Class Hunter For joining in with circle time singing- Well done!

Maddi’s Class Arthur For his progress with lunch in the hall and emotional regulation in class

Safah’s Class Lily For fantastic phonics work.

Kirsty’s Class Harrison  For staying focused on learning

Sophie’s Class Pearl For great eye contact during interactions.

Chloe’s Class Isa For making marks related to his own name.

Charlotte’s Class Toby For being more engaging in all activities and listening to an adult

Laura’s Class Otis For his dough disco skills! 

Michelle’s Class Grace Growing Imaginative play

Dominic’s Class David For tasting and exploring different foods and drinks

Katherine’s Class Amber  For having a positive attitude for her learning in all areas

Lara’s Class Louie For working hard with adults and trying his best with his phonics.

Clare’s Class Mohamed For always trying his best

Kathryn’s Class Michael Focusing on independent tasks to achieve his best.

Lydia’s Class Sunni Always working independently and trying her best.

Jenni’s Class Erin Taking responsibility and cleaning up after class activities independently.

Alex’s Class Thomas Making a huge effort to join in with every activity 

Latest News

Academy News

Discovery Blog 18.10.2024

This week we have moved into our new classroom on the Sandy...

Full details

Discovery Blog 11.10.2024

This week the children in Sophie's class have been learning all about...

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Discovery Blog 04.10.2024

In Alex’s class the children have been enjoying studying their new subject...

Full details

Discovery Blog 27.09.2024

This week in Kathryn’s class, we have been experimenting with light! We...

Full details

Discovery Blog 20.09.2024

The children have settled so well into nursery. We have had a...

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Discovery Blog 13.09.2024

In Charlotte's class this week we have been settling into the new...

Full details

Our School


When you enter the main building, you are greeted by a beautiful large fish tank and an overwhelming sense of calm and quietness. That is not to say incidents don’t happen, they do, but the staff have a very calm manner of dealing with things.

Moving through the school and its grounds you see that Discovery Special Academy and the Trust recognise the uniqueness of every child and promotes inclusion through their holistic approach. Having an holistic approach to ensure the children made progress socially and emotionally as well as academically was evident and underpinned every decision the school leaders and staff made.

Staff across school are passionate about supporting all children and everything they do places the children firmly at the centre. Staff work as a close team and feel trusted to work for the good of all. They are innovative in their approach to supporting the needs of children. The clear systems and processes evidenced in their daily day-to-day practice make school a calm place to learn and work.

Parents are extremely supportive and appreciative of the work of the school. One parent said of the staff ‘It’s like having another parent for my child’. Another said, ‘Everything I need is here from the staff because through their support they know the children better than we do’. Through the work of the Pastoral Team the school is keen to continue to encourage parents to play a part in school life.

There is a feeling of ambition, enthuisiam and passion for the students of Discovery

-IQM Assessor

You are all brilliant!


The environments have a calm feel to them. The classroom structure is suited to the pupil needs

-Student Teacher

My child has come on leaps and bounds since joining Discovery, staff are doing a fantastic job, the school is always willing to help in and outside of school.


The learning environment, resources and the use of ICT is designed to create an innovative and enriched experience for all pupils

-IQM Assessor

The staff have all been very nurturing and loving to the children. They are very fair.

-Student Teacher

Discovery is an amazing school with fantastic staff, who help your child through every aspect.


The environment is very calming and suited to the needs of children. Everything has been considered to make the best of the learning environment for the children.

-Student Teacher

Absolutely AMAZING school with brilliant, hard-working and passionate teachers and staff! I would 100% recommend Discovery to any parent. My child has made significant progress since starting Discovery, plus my child is so happy and enjoys going to school, couldn’t ask for anything better for my child.


We're really looking forward to working in your lovely school and supporting your wonderful pupils.

-Scott, NHS Eyecare Service

Thanks so much for taking the time to show us round - your school has such a lovely feel to it and we can’t wait to get started.

-Emma, NHS Eyecare Service

"You are fun, kind and always have my back. If it wasn’t for you my dinner times would be so boring. A big thanks to the staff for making sure all the kids were safe at all times and the children always made sure I wasn’t being boring by telling me what to play. Through discovery we grow."

- Discovery Playtime Buddy from Brambles Primary Academy

This is a school where relationships matter. Relationships are seen as pivotal to success and are valued and nurtured.

-IQM Assessor

I have enjoyed seeing the relationships that the staff build with every child, how personal everything is too each child to get the most from everyday.

-Trainee Teacher

"To all teachers and staff. Thank you so much for everything you have done for my daughter."

- Parent

"Very impressed with the energy and passion of the staff! Very dedicated team."

- Dance Teacher

Staff have worked hard to develop an understanding of each child and to ensure they develop into successful young people

-IQM Assessor

"We’ve noticed our son’s progress since he’s been here. He’s speaking in longer sentences and we don’t have as many melt downs. Well done team!"

- Parent

Ambition and high expectations are in evidence throughout the academy and children, staff and families have risen to this challenge.

-IQM Assessor

Discovery is a very friendly person centered school where every member of staff is passionate about meeting the needs of every child and progressing them onto their future.

-Trainee Teacher

Photographs in classrooms and corridors capture children deeply engaged in their learning and wider experiences.

-IQM Assessor

"I am really pleased with the progress my son has made since attending Discovery, he has come on in leaps and bounds and looks forward to going to school on a morning."

- Parent

"The staff at the academy do an amazing job. My son has come on so much in just his first term here."

- Parent

Celebration assembly demonstrated the flexible, responsive approach and the family spirit.

-IQM Assessor

"I cannot praise them enough. Every member of staff we have come across has been amazing, The best school by far for children with special/complex needs."

- Parent

The positive attendance trends at Discovery Special Academy.

-IQM Assessor

The children are blessed to have staff like that. All they want is for your child to succeed.


I had the best day. The kids are gorgeous and the teachers and staff are so organised, just perfect. Just how it should be!

-Supply Teacher

I think it is lovely how each staff member understands each child. There is an amazing atmosphere and the environment is key.

-Trainee Teacher

The staff at Discovery genuinely care about their students well-being and their happiness and that shines through


I wouldn’t have my child anywhere else, we all love Discovery


This is a place where children are safe, want to be and want to learn.

-IQM Assessor

I love how much my child has come on since joining Discovery


Discovery Special Academy is an amazing school, it caters for children and their individual specific needs with that extra caring touch


She loves going to school and the progress she has made is fantastic, the communication and support is brilliant for not only my child but as a family too


The school is amazing and before my son attended he couldn’t do all the things he can now, and as a Dad I am very happy


The relationship between the staff and pupils is kind, caring and patient. The staff go above and beyond to cater to every child's needs.

-Trainee Teacher

I couldn’t be happier with my child’s progress since starting at Discovery


When we started visiting Discovery Academy with our dogs we weren't sure what to expect or how the dogs would take to it. The staff have been so lovely and welcoming. The reaction of the children has been amazing. The school is totally inspirational. Each week when we drive away we know we have made a difference to those children's lives and are very proud of our dogs.

-Lynne and Paul (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

My son is learning new things everyday.


I honestly cant' thank the staff enough, they are all amazing.


Well that was an amazing session. We were both blown away by the children, staff and school.

-Lynne (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

It is clear at Discovery that the adults and children have mutual respect and adoration for each other

-Trainee Teacher

Every day when I drop my child off and pick him up I see all of the staff smiling, the children are all smiling, staff and children are interacting with each other so lovely, everybody who I speak to is so kind and helpful and I can see the love and care that everyone has for the children, I am so happy that my child comes to this school.


Dave and I really enjoyed teaching the children. All the classes were happy and well mannered with some good swimmers too. Staff were very professional at all times and that showed in the children's ability to learn. We hope that you enjoyed the lessons and would love to see you back in September.

-Dave and Dianne (Ashgrove Lodge)

My child had a great night 10pm that's the earliest she has gone to sleep with no fuss till 7.30am this morning. She did not want to get up this morning. I can't thank you enough for your support that's the best nights sleep I've had in 2 years. Thank you so much for all of your schools support. Massive thank you to the lady and the driver who picks my child up they are amazing they make my child and me feel so comfortable sends her into school. Thank you.


Thank you so much for making my visit so memorable. It was a real pleasure to come and share my books with the pupils. They were all wonderful and should be very proud of themselves. It was such an honour to see them doing activities inspired by my books - and it warmed my heart to see how inclusive the school is.

-Author from our visit

I am so happy. My child said two words to me for the first time today. Thank you very much to all the wonderful teachers.


Since starting Discovery, I feel all of his needs have been met. He is settled at home and relaxed.


We can't believe the difference in just a few weeks of being at Discovery.


We have noticed such a positive difference at home, they are sleeping better. Thank you.


The children have settled so well into nursery. We have had a fantastic first week exploring the areas both inside the nursery and in our sensory rooms and garden. 

A huge well done to all the nursery children.

Explorer of the week

Well done to all our explorers

Becky’s Class All the nursery children For a fantastic first week in the Nursery

Maddi’s Class Heran For excellent progress with transitioning to different areas in school

Zahida’s Class Ruby For coming in to school  every day this week and engaging in learning activities

Morgan’s Class Amy For beginning to sit at the table for activities

Safah’s Class Vinnie For staying positive all week and good listening.

Kirsty’s Class Amber  For recognising and labelling big and small shapes 

Sophie’s Class Kenzie For exploring new sensory experiences

Chloe’s Class Jack  For excellent listening when transitioning to different spaces in the school.

Charlotte’s Class Jack  For working 1:1 and in groups without becoming upset

Laura’s Class River For working hard during phonics

Michelle’s Class Blake beginning to follow parts of his daily routine. 

Katherine’s Class Katie For being a positive role model to her peers

Lara’s Class Charlie For working well with adults and having a positive attitude towards his learning.

Clare’s Class Mayley For being a good helper in class

Kathryn’s Class Max Commitment to learning in Functional Skills English

Sarah’s Class Amber  For focusing well in all her learning

Lydia’s Class Mia Always producing outstanding pieces of work.

Alex’s Class Charlie Making a huge effort learning the planets and showing good listening skills

Latest News

Academy News

Discovery Blog 18.10.2024

This week we have moved into our new classroom on the Sandy...

Full details

Discovery Blog 11.10.2024

This week the children in Sophie's class have been learning all about...

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Discovery Blog 04.10.2024

In Alex’s class the children have been enjoying studying their new subject...

Full details

Discovery Blog 27.09.2024

This week in Kathryn’s class, we have been experimenting with light! We...

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Discovery Blog 20.09.2024

The children have settled so well into nursery. We have had a...

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Discovery Blog 13.09.2024

In Charlotte's class this week we have been settling into the new...

Full details

Our School


When you enter the main building, you are greeted by a beautiful large fish tank and an overwhelming sense of calm and quietness. That is not to say incidents don’t happen, they do, but the staff have a very calm manner of dealing with things.

Moving through the school and its grounds you see that Discovery Special Academy and the Trust recognise the uniqueness of every child and promotes inclusion through their holistic approach. Having an holistic approach to ensure the children made progress socially and emotionally as well as academically was evident and underpinned every decision the school leaders and staff made.

Staff across school are passionate about supporting all children and everything they do places the children firmly at the centre. Staff work as a close team and feel trusted to work for the good of all. They are innovative in their approach to supporting the needs of children. The clear systems and processes evidenced in their daily day-to-day practice make school a calm place to learn and work.

Parents are extremely supportive and appreciative of the work of the school. One parent said of the staff ‘It’s like having another parent for my child’. Another said, ‘Everything I need is here from the staff because through their support they know the children better than we do’. Through the work of the Pastoral Team the school is keen to continue to encourage parents to play a part in school life.

There is a feeling of ambition, enthuisiam and passion for the students of Discovery

-IQM Assessor

You are all brilliant!


The environments have a calm feel to them. The classroom structure is suited to the pupil needs

-Student Teacher

My child has come on leaps and bounds since joining Discovery, staff are doing a fantastic job, the school is always willing to help in and outside of school.


The learning environment, resources and the use of ICT is designed to create an innovative and enriched experience for all pupils

-IQM Assessor

The staff have all been very nurturing and loving to the children. They are very fair.

-Student Teacher

Discovery is an amazing school with fantastic staff, who help your child through every aspect.


The environment is very calming and suited to the needs of children. Everything has been considered to make the best of the learning environment for the children.

-Student Teacher

Absolutely AMAZING school with brilliant, hard-working and passionate teachers and staff! I would 100% recommend Discovery to any parent. My child has made significant progress since starting Discovery, plus my child is so happy and enjoys going to school, couldn’t ask for anything better for my child.


We're really looking forward to working in your lovely school and supporting your wonderful pupils.

-Scott, NHS Eyecare Service

Thanks so much for taking the time to show us round - your school has such a lovely feel to it and we can’t wait to get started.

-Emma, NHS Eyecare Service

"You are fun, kind and always have my back. If it wasn’t for you my dinner times would be so boring. A big thanks to the staff for making sure all the kids were safe at all times and the children always made sure I wasn’t being boring by telling me what to play. Through discovery we grow."

- Discovery Playtime Buddy from Brambles Primary Academy

This is a school where relationships matter. Relationships are seen as pivotal to success and are valued and nurtured.

-IQM Assessor

I have enjoyed seeing the relationships that the staff build with every child, how personal everything is too each child to get the most from everyday.

-Trainee Teacher

"To all teachers and staff. Thank you so much for everything you have done for my daughter."

- Parent

"Very impressed with the energy and passion of the staff! Very dedicated team."

- Dance Teacher

Staff have worked hard to develop an understanding of each child and to ensure they develop into successful young people

-IQM Assessor

"We’ve noticed our son’s progress since he’s been here. He’s speaking in longer sentences and we don’t have as many melt downs. Well done team!"

- Parent

Ambition and high expectations are in evidence throughout the academy and children, staff and families have risen to this challenge.

-IQM Assessor

Discovery is a very friendly person centered school where every member of staff is passionate about meeting the needs of every child and progressing them onto their future.

-Trainee Teacher

Photographs in classrooms and corridors capture children deeply engaged in their learning and wider experiences.

-IQM Assessor

"I am really pleased with the progress my son has made since attending Discovery, he has come on in leaps and bounds and looks forward to going to school on a morning."

- Parent

"The staff at the academy do an amazing job. My son has come on so much in just his first term here."

- Parent

Celebration assembly demonstrated the flexible, responsive approach and the family spirit.

-IQM Assessor

"I cannot praise them enough. Every member of staff we have come across has been amazing, The best school by far for children with special/complex needs."

- Parent

The positive attendance trends at Discovery Special Academy.

-IQM Assessor

The children are blessed to have staff like that. All they want is for your child to succeed.


I had the best day. The kids are gorgeous and the teachers and staff are so organised, just perfect. Just how it should be!

-Supply Teacher

I think it is lovely how each staff member understands each child. There is an amazing atmosphere and the environment is key.

-Trainee Teacher

The staff at Discovery genuinely care about their students well-being and their happiness and that shines through


I wouldn’t have my child anywhere else, we all love Discovery


This is a place where children are safe, want to be and want to learn.

-IQM Assessor

I love how much my child has come on since joining Discovery


Discovery Special Academy is an amazing school, it caters for children and their individual specific needs with that extra caring touch


She loves going to school and the progress she has made is fantastic, the communication and support is brilliant for not only my child but as a family too


The school is amazing and before my son attended he couldn’t do all the things he can now, and as a Dad I am very happy


The relationship between the staff and pupils is kind, caring and patient. The staff go above and beyond to cater to every child's needs.

-Trainee Teacher

I couldn’t be happier with my child’s progress since starting at Discovery


When we started visiting Discovery Academy with our dogs we weren't sure what to expect or how the dogs would take to it. The staff have been so lovely and welcoming. The reaction of the children has been amazing. The school is totally inspirational. Each week when we drive away we know we have made a difference to those children's lives and are very proud of our dogs.

-Lynne and Paul (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

My son is learning new things everyday.


I honestly cant' thank the staff enough, they are all amazing.


Well that was an amazing session. We were both blown away by the children, staff and school.

-Lynne (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

It is clear at Discovery that the adults and children have mutual respect and adoration for each other

-Trainee Teacher

Every day when I drop my child off and pick him up I see all of the staff smiling, the children are all smiling, staff and children are interacting with each other so lovely, everybody who I speak to is so kind and helpful and I can see the love and care that everyone has for the children, I am so happy that my child comes to this school.


Dave and I really enjoyed teaching the children. All the classes were happy and well mannered with some good swimmers too. Staff were very professional at all times and that showed in the children's ability to learn. We hope that you enjoyed the lessons and would love to see you back in September.

-Dave and Dianne (Ashgrove Lodge)

My child had a great night 10pm that's the earliest she has gone to sleep with no fuss till 7.30am this morning. She did not want to get up this morning. I can't thank you enough for your support that's the best nights sleep I've had in 2 years. Thank you so much for all of your schools support. Massive thank you to the lady and the driver who picks my child up they are amazing they make my child and me feel so comfortable sends her into school. Thank you.


Thank you so much for making my visit so memorable. It was a real pleasure to come and share my books with the pupils. They were all wonderful and should be very proud of themselves. It was such an honour to see them doing activities inspired by my books - and it warmed my heart to see how inclusive the school is.

-Author from our visit

I am so happy. My child said two words to me for the first time today. Thank you very much to all the wonderful teachers.


Since starting Discovery, I feel all of his needs have been met. He is settled at home and relaxed.


We can't believe the difference in just a few weeks of being at Discovery.


We have noticed such a positive difference at home, they are sleeping better. Thank you.


In Charlotte’s class this week we have been settling into the new routine, making and building relationships with staff and other children. All the children have been exploring areas of the classroom, having a go at various activities and playing with the new toys. It has been an amazing start to the school year already, Well Done Charlotte’s Class! 

Flu and Cold season is coming upon us very quickly. There are a number of ways ways you can help to protect your child. Please see the attached links for more information .

Explorer or the Week

Well done to all our Explorers

Maddi’s Class Alaiya For excellent transitions between activities and spaces within school

Zahida’s Class For willingly engaging with learning activities.

Morgan’s Class Ben For trying his best to communicate using his words 

Kirsty’s Class Kody For sitting at group times and participating in number songs

Sophie’s Class Jax For exploring and engaging in adult led activities 

Chloe’s Class Miles For excellent transitions from classroom to dinner.

Charlotte’s Class Joel For settling into his new class and making relationships with others.

Michelle’s Class Daniel Eze  Joining in with group time. 

Dominic’s Class Amanuel For his amazing counting and engagement in Maths

Katherine’s Class Noah For fantastic transitioning from bus into class

Clare’s Class Ralfs for sequencing sentences and writing independently

Kathryn’s Class Umayar Giving 100% effort and trying new foods.

Sarah’s Class Zahra for being a good role model and helping a member of class with their work

Lydia’s Class  Izack for settling into his new class.  

Jenni’s Class Hayley Amazing contributions to class work and positively encouraging others in their learning.

Alex’s Class Simrah For showing perserverence with ordering numbers in maths and taking her time with her work 

Latest News

Academy News

Discovery Blog 18.10.2024

This week we have moved into our new classroom on the Sandy...

Full details

Discovery Blog 11.10.2024

This week the children in Sophie's class have been learning all about...

Full details

Discovery Blog 04.10.2024

In Alex’s class the children have been enjoying studying their new subject...

Full details

Discovery Blog 27.09.2024

This week in Kathryn’s class, we have been experimenting with light! We...

Full details

Discovery Blog 20.09.2024

The children have settled so well into nursery. We have had a...

Full details

Discovery Blog 13.09.2024

In Charlotte's class this week we have been settling into the new...

Full details

Our School


When you enter the main building, you are greeted by a beautiful large fish tank and an overwhelming sense of calm and quietness. That is not to say incidents don’t happen, they do, but the staff have a very calm manner of dealing with things.

Moving through the school and its grounds you see that Discovery Special Academy and the Trust recognise the uniqueness of every child and promotes inclusion through their holistic approach. Having an holistic approach to ensure the children made progress socially and emotionally as well as academically was evident and underpinned every decision the school leaders and staff made.

Staff across school are passionate about supporting all children and everything they do places the children firmly at the centre. Staff work as a close team and feel trusted to work for the good of all. They are innovative in their approach to supporting the needs of children. The clear systems and processes evidenced in their daily day-to-day practice make school a calm place to learn and work.

Parents are extremely supportive and appreciative of the work of the school. One parent said of the staff ‘It’s like having another parent for my child’. Another said, ‘Everything I need is here from the staff because through their support they know the children better than we do’. Through the work of the Pastoral Team the school is keen to continue to encourage parents to play a part in school life.

There is a feeling of ambition, enthuisiam and passion for the students of Discovery

-IQM Assessor

You are all brilliant!


The environments have a calm feel to them. The classroom structure is suited to the pupil needs

-Student Teacher

My child has come on leaps and bounds since joining Discovery, staff are doing a fantastic job, the school is always willing to help in and outside of school.


The learning environment, resources and the use of ICT is designed to create an innovative and enriched experience for all pupils

-IQM Assessor

The staff have all been very nurturing and loving to the children. They are very fair.

-Student Teacher

Discovery is an amazing school with fantastic staff, who help your child through every aspect.


The environment is very calming and suited to the needs of children. Everything has been considered to make the best of the learning environment for the children.

-Student Teacher

Absolutely AMAZING school with brilliant, hard-working and passionate teachers and staff! I would 100% recommend Discovery to any parent. My child has made significant progress since starting Discovery, plus my child is so happy and enjoys going to school, couldn’t ask for anything better for my child.


We're really looking forward to working in your lovely school and supporting your wonderful pupils.

-Scott, NHS Eyecare Service

Thanks so much for taking the time to show us round - your school has such a lovely feel to it and we can’t wait to get started.

-Emma, NHS Eyecare Service

"You are fun, kind and always have my back. If it wasn’t for you my dinner times would be so boring. A big thanks to the staff for making sure all the kids were safe at all times and the children always made sure I wasn’t being boring by telling me what to play. Through discovery we grow."

- Discovery Playtime Buddy from Brambles Primary Academy

This is a school where relationships matter. Relationships are seen as pivotal to success and are valued and nurtured.

-IQM Assessor

I have enjoyed seeing the relationships that the staff build with every child, how personal everything is too each child to get the most from everyday.

-Trainee Teacher

"To all teachers and staff. Thank you so much for everything you have done for my daughter."

- Parent

"Very impressed with the energy and passion of the staff! Very dedicated team."

- Dance Teacher

Staff have worked hard to develop an understanding of each child and to ensure they develop into successful young people

-IQM Assessor

"We’ve noticed our son’s progress since he’s been here. He’s speaking in longer sentences and we don’t have as many melt downs. Well done team!"

- Parent

Ambition and high expectations are in evidence throughout the academy and children, staff and families have risen to this challenge.

-IQM Assessor

Discovery is a very friendly person centered school where every member of staff is passionate about meeting the needs of every child and progressing them onto their future.

-Trainee Teacher

Photographs in classrooms and corridors capture children deeply engaged in their learning and wider experiences.

-IQM Assessor

"I am really pleased with the progress my son has made since attending Discovery, he has come on in leaps and bounds and looks forward to going to school on a morning."

- Parent

"The staff at the academy do an amazing job. My son has come on so much in just his first term here."

- Parent

Celebration assembly demonstrated the flexible, responsive approach and the family spirit.

-IQM Assessor

"I cannot praise them enough. Every member of staff we have come across has been amazing, The best school by far for children with special/complex needs."

- Parent

The positive attendance trends at Discovery Special Academy.

-IQM Assessor

The children are blessed to have staff like that. All they want is for your child to succeed.


I had the best day. The kids are gorgeous and the teachers and staff are so organised, just perfect. Just how it should be!

-Supply Teacher

I think it is lovely how each staff member understands each child. There is an amazing atmosphere and the environment is key.

-Trainee Teacher

The staff at Discovery genuinely care about their students well-being and their happiness and that shines through


I wouldn’t have my child anywhere else, we all love Discovery


This is a place where children are safe, want to be and want to learn.

-IQM Assessor

I love how much my child has come on since joining Discovery


Discovery Special Academy is an amazing school, it caters for children and their individual specific needs with that extra caring touch


She loves going to school and the progress she has made is fantastic, the communication and support is brilliant for not only my child but as a family too


The school is amazing and before my son attended he couldn’t do all the things he can now, and as a Dad I am very happy


The relationship between the staff and pupils is kind, caring and patient. The staff go above and beyond to cater to every child's needs.

-Trainee Teacher

I couldn’t be happier with my child’s progress since starting at Discovery


When we started visiting Discovery Academy with our dogs we weren't sure what to expect or how the dogs would take to it. The staff have been so lovely and welcoming. The reaction of the children has been amazing. The school is totally inspirational. Each week when we drive away we know we have made a difference to those children's lives and are very proud of our dogs.

-Lynne and Paul (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

My son is learning new things everyday.


I honestly cant' thank the staff enough, they are all amazing.


Well that was an amazing session. We were both blown away by the children, staff and school.

-Lynne (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

It is clear at Discovery that the adults and children have mutual respect and adoration for each other

-Trainee Teacher

Every day when I drop my child off and pick him up I see all of the staff smiling, the children are all smiling, staff and children are interacting with each other so lovely, everybody who I speak to is so kind and helpful and I can see the love and care that everyone has for the children, I am so happy that my child comes to this school.


Dave and I really enjoyed teaching the children. All the classes were happy and well mannered with some good swimmers too. Staff were very professional at all times and that showed in the children's ability to learn. We hope that you enjoyed the lessons and would love to see you back in September.

-Dave and Dianne (Ashgrove Lodge)

My child had a great night 10pm that's the earliest she has gone to sleep with no fuss till 7.30am this morning. She did not want to get up this morning. I can't thank you enough for your support that's the best nights sleep I've had in 2 years. Thank you so much for all of your schools support. Massive thank you to the lady and the driver who picks my child up they are amazing they make my child and me feel so comfortable sends her into school. Thank you.


Thank you so much for making my visit so memorable. It was a real pleasure to come and share my books with the pupils. They were all wonderful and should be very proud of themselves. It was such an honour to see them doing activities inspired by my books - and it warmed my heart to see how inclusive the school is.

-Author from our visit

I am so happy. My child said two words to me for the first time today. Thank you very much to all the wonderful teachers.


Since starting Discovery, I feel all of his needs have been met. He is settled at home and relaxed.


We can't believe the difference in just a few weeks of being at Discovery.


We have noticed such a positive difference at home, they are sleeping better. Thank you.


This term in Dominic’s class we have been on a visit to the farm. We enjoyed looking at the animals, playing in the park and the soft play area. Everyone showed great listening skills and we loved being out in public. We explored many farm related activities to prepare ourselves for our visit. We sheered shaving foam sheep and investigated farm animal noises through the interactive whiteboard. We washed the dirty farm animals and we matched numbers onto the cow.

Latest News

Academy News

Discovery Blog 18.10.2024

This week we have moved into our new classroom on the Sandy...

Full details

Discovery Blog 11.10.2024

This week the children in Sophie's class have been learning all about...

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Discovery Blog 04.10.2024

In Alex’s class the children have been enjoying studying their new subject...

Full details

Discovery Blog 27.09.2024

This week in Kathryn’s class, we have been experimenting with light! We...

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Discovery Blog 20.09.2024

The children have settled so well into nursery. We have had a...

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Discovery Blog 13.09.2024

In Charlotte's class this week we have been settling into the new...

Full details

Our School


When you enter the main building, you are greeted by a beautiful large fish tank and an overwhelming sense of calm and quietness. That is not to say incidents don’t happen, they do, but the staff have a very calm manner of dealing with things.

Moving through the school and its grounds you see that Discovery Special Academy and the Trust recognise the uniqueness of every child and promotes inclusion through their holistic approach. Having an holistic approach to ensure the children made progress socially and emotionally as well as academically was evident and underpinned every decision the school leaders and staff made.

Staff across school are passionate about supporting all children and everything they do places the children firmly at the centre. Staff work as a close team and feel trusted to work for the good of all. They are innovative in their approach to supporting the needs of children. The clear systems and processes evidenced in their daily day-to-day practice make school a calm place to learn and work.

Parents are extremely supportive and appreciative of the work of the school. One parent said of the staff ‘It’s like having another parent for my child’. Another said, ‘Everything I need is here from the staff because through their support they know the children better than we do’. Through the work of the Pastoral Team the school is keen to continue to encourage parents to play a part in school life.

There is a feeling of ambition, enthuisiam and passion for the students of Discovery

-IQM Assessor

You are all brilliant!


The environments have a calm feel to them. The classroom structure is suited to the pupil needs

-Student Teacher

My child has come on leaps and bounds since joining Discovery, staff are doing a fantastic job, the school is always willing to help in and outside of school.


The learning environment, resources and the use of ICT is designed to create an innovative and enriched experience for all pupils

-IQM Assessor

The staff have all been very nurturing and loving to the children. They are very fair.

-Student Teacher

Discovery is an amazing school with fantastic staff, who help your child through every aspect.


The environment is very calming and suited to the needs of children. Everything has been considered to make the best of the learning environment for the children.

-Student Teacher

Absolutely AMAZING school with brilliant, hard-working and passionate teachers and staff! I would 100% recommend Discovery to any parent. My child has made significant progress since starting Discovery, plus my child is so happy and enjoys going to school, couldn’t ask for anything better for my child.


We're really looking forward to working in your lovely school and supporting your wonderful pupils.

-Scott, NHS Eyecare Service

Thanks so much for taking the time to show us round - your school has such a lovely feel to it and we can’t wait to get started.

-Emma, NHS Eyecare Service

"You are fun, kind and always have my back. If it wasn’t for you my dinner times would be so boring. A big thanks to the staff for making sure all the kids were safe at all times and the children always made sure I wasn’t being boring by telling me what to play. Through discovery we grow."

- Discovery Playtime Buddy from Brambles Primary Academy

This is a school where relationships matter. Relationships are seen as pivotal to success and are valued and nurtured.

-IQM Assessor

I have enjoyed seeing the relationships that the staff build with every child, how personal everything is too each child to get the most from everyday.

-Trainee Teacher

"To all teachers and staff. Thank you so much for everything you have done for my daughter."

- Parent

"Very impressed with the energy and passion of the staff! Very dedicated team."

- Dance Teacher

Staff have worked hard to develop an understanding of each child and to ensure they develop into successful young people

-IQM Assessor

"We’ve noticed our son’s progress since he’s been here. He’s speaking in longer sentences and we don’t have as many melt downs. Well done team!"

- Parent

Ambition and high expectations are in evidence throughout the academy and children, staff and families have risen to this challenge.

-IQM Assessor

Discovery is a very friendly person centered school where every member of staff is passionate about meeting the needs of every child and progressing them onto their future.

-Trainee Teacher

Photographs in classrooms and corridors capture children deeply engaged in their learning and wider experiences.

-IQM Assessor

"I am really pleased with the progress my son has made since attending Discovery, he has come on in leaps and bounds and looks forward to going to school on a morning."

- Parent

"The staff at the academy do an amazing job. My son has come on so much in just his first term here."

- Parent

Celebration assembly demonstrated the flexible, responsive approach and the family spirit.

-IQM Assessor

"I cannot praise them enough. Every member of staff we have come across has been amazing, The best school by far for children with special/complex needs."

- Parent

The positive attendance trends at Discovery Special Academy.

-IQM Assessor

The children are blessed to have staff like that. All they want is for your child to succeed.


I had the best day. The kids are gorgeous and the teachers and staff are so organised, just perfect. Just how it should be!

-Supply Teacher

I think it is lovely how each staff member understands each child. There is an amazing atmosphere and the environment is key.

-Trainee Teacher

The staff at Discovery genuinely care about their students well-being and their happiness and that shines through


I wouldn’t have my child anywhere else, we all love Discovery


This is a place where children are safe, want to be and want to learn.

-IQM Assessor

I love how much my child has come on since joining Discovery


Discovery Special Academy is an amazing school, it caters for children and their individual specific needs with that extra caring touch


She loves going to school and the progress she has made is fantastic, the communication and support is brilliant for not only my child but as a family too


The school is amazing and before my son attended he couldn’t do all the things he can now, and as a Dad I am very happy


The relationship between the staff and pupils is kind, caring and patient. The staff go above and beyond to cater to every child's needs.

-Trainee Teacher

I couldn’t be happier with my child’s progress since starting at Discovery


When we started visiting Discovery Academy with our dogs we weren't sure what to expect or how the dogs would take to it. The staff have been so lovely and welcoming. The reaction of the children has been amazing. The school is totally inspirational. Each week when we drive away we know we have made a difference to those children's lives and are very proud of our dogs.

-Lynne and Paul (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

My son is learning new things everyday.


I honestly cant' thank the staff enough, they are all amazing.


Well that was an amazing session. We were both blown away by the children, staff and school.

-Lynne (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

It is clear at Discovery that the adults and children have mutual respect and adoration for each other

-Trainee Teacher

Every day when I drop my child off and pick him up I see all of the staff smiling, the children are all smiling, staff and children are interacting with each other so lovely, everybody who I speak to is so kind and helpful and I can see the love and care that everyone has for the children, I am so happy that my child comes to this school.


Dave and I really enjoyed teaching the children. All the classes were happy and well mannered with some good swimmers too. Staff were very professional at all times and that showed in the children's ability to learn. We hope that you enjoyed the lessons and would love to see you back in September.

-Dave and Dianne (Ashgrove Lodge)

My child had a great night 10pm that's the earliest she has gone to sleep with no fuss till 7.30am this morning. She did not want to get up this morning. I can't thank you enough for your support that's the best nights sleep I've had in 2 years. Thank you so much for all of your schools support. Massive thank you to the lady and the driver who picks my child up they are amazing they make my child and me feel so comfortable sends her into school. Thank you.


Thank you so much for making my visit so memorable. It was a real pleasure to come and share my books with the pupils. They were all wonderful and should be very proud of themselves. It was such an honour to see them doing activities inspired by my books - and it warmed my heart to see how inclusive the school is.

-Author from our visit

I am so happy. My child said two words to me for the first time today. Thank you very much to all the wonderful teachers.


Since starting Discovery, I feel all of his needs have been met. He is settled at home and relaxed.


We can't believe the difference in just a few weeks of being at Discovery.


We have noticed such a positive difference at home, they are sleeping better. Thank you.


In Alex’s class the children have been working very hard on improving their knowledge and skill in athletics in PE, this has been very helpful to prepare them for Sports day which is quickly approaching! The class have also been working on their ICT skills to produce a power point presentation and they have practiced presenting to the rest of the class. Most of the class attended a ‘My voice matters’ conference this week which involved engaging with different activities in Middlesbrough Town Hall. Here they thought a lot about preparation for adult hood, emotional regulation and thought about career opportunities for the future.

Explorers of the Week

Well done to all our Explorers

Becky’ class: The whole of nursery for a fantastic year.

Maddi’s Class Lily & Tommie For being so helpful to their friends and adults and trying really hard in everything they do

Hanna’s Class Marshall  great engagement in activities and communicating his want/needs to adults more. 

Dominic’s Class Charlie For his listening and transitions

Morgan’s Class Vienna For beginning to use her vioice 

Charlotte’s Class Whole class For working together and building social skills.

Sophie’s Class JoeyFor transitioning well between spaces

Alex’s Class JouJou For being so sensible and a role model on the school trip

Kathryn’s Class Sunni Amazing creative writing

Latest News

Academy News

Discovery Blog 18.10.2024

This week we have moved into our new classroom on the Sandy...

Full details

Discovery Blog 11.10.2024

This week the children in Sophie's class have been learning all about...

Full details

Discovery Blog 04.10.2024

In Alex’s class the children have been enjoying studying their new subject...

Full details

Discovery Blog 27.09.2024

This week in Kathryn’s class, we have been experimenting with light! We...

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Discovery Blog 20.09.2024

The children have settled so well into nursery. We have had a...

Full details

Discovery Blog 13.09.2024

In Charlotte's class this week we have been settling into the new...

Full details

Our School


When you enter the main building, you are greeted by a beautiful large fish tank and an overwhelming sense of calm and quietness. That is not to say incidents don’t happen, they do, but the staff have a very calm manner of dealing with things.

Moving through the school and its grounds you see that Discovery Special Academy and the Trust recognise the uniqueness of every child and promotes inclusion through their holistic approach. Having an holistic approach to ensure the children made progress socially and emotionally as well as academically was evident and underpinned every decision the school leaders and staff made.

Staff across school are passionate about supporting all children and everything they do places the children firmly at the centre. Staff work as a close team and feel trusted to work for the good of all. They are innovative in their approach to supporting the needs of children. The clear systems and processes evidenced in their daily day-to-day practice make school a calm place to learn and work.

Parents are extremely supportive and appreciative of the work of the school. One parent said of the staff ‘It’s like having another parent for my child’. Another said, ‘Everything I need is here from the staff because through their support they know the children better than we do’. Through the work of the Pastoral Team the school is keen to continue to encourage parents to play a part in school life.

There is a feeling of ambition, enthuisiam and passion for the students of Discovery

-IQM Assessor

You are all brilliant!


The environments have a calm feel to them. The classroom structure is suited to the pupil needs

-Student Teacher

My child has come on leaps and bounds since joining Discovery, staff are doing a fantastic job, the school is always willing to help in and outside of school.


The learning environment, resources and the use of ICT is designed to create an innovative and enriched experience for all pupils

-IQM Assessor

The staff have all been very nurturing and loving to the children. They are very fair.

-Student Teacher

Discovery is an amazing school with fantastic staff, who help your child through every aspect.


The environment is very calming and suited to the needs of children. Everything has been considered to make the best of the learning environment for the children.

-Student Teacher

Absolutely AMAZING school with brilliant, hard-working and passionate teachers and staff! I would 100% recommend Discovery to any parent. My child has made significant progress since starting Discovery, plus my child is so happy and enjoys going to school, couldn’t ask for anything better for my child.


We're really looking forward to working in your lovely school and supporting your wonderful pupils.

-Scott, NHS Eyecare Service

Thanks so much for taking the time to show us round - your school has such a lovely feel to it and we can’t wait to get started.

-Emma, NHS Eyecare Service

"You are fun, kind and always have my back. If it wasn’t for you my dinner times would be so boring. A big thanks to the staff for making sure all the kids were safe at all times and the children always made sure I wasn’t being boring by telling me what to play. Through discovery we grow."

- Discovery Playtime Buddy from Brambles Primary Academy

This is a school where relationships matter. Relationships are seen as pivotal to success and are valued and nurtured.

-IQM Assessor

I have enjoyed seeing the relationships that the staff build with every child, how personal everything is too each child to get the most from everyday.

-Trainee Teacher

"To all teachers and staff. Thank you so much for everything you have done for my daughter."

- Parent

"Very impressed with the energy and passion of the staff! Very dedicated team."

- Dance Teacher

Staff have worked hard to develop an understanding of each child and to ensure they develop into successful young people

-IQM Assessor

"We’ve noticed our son’s progress since he’s been here. He’s speaking in longer sentences and we don’t have as many melt downs. Well done team!"

- Parent

Ambition and high expectations are in evidence throughout the academy and children, staff and families have risen to this challenge.

-IQM Assessor

Discovery is a very friendly person centered school where every member of staff is passionate about meeting the needs of every child and progressing them onto their future.

-Trainee Teacher

Photographs in classrooms and corridors capture children deeply engaged in their learning and wider experiences.

-IQM Assessor

"I am really pleased with the progress my son has made since attending Discovery, he has come on in leaps and bounds and looks forward to going to school on a morning."

- Parent

"The staff at the academy do an amazing job. My son has come on so much in just his first term here."

- Parent

Celebration assembly demonstrated the flexible, responsive approach and the family spirit.

-IQM Assessor

"I cannot praise them enough. Every member of staff we have come across has been amazing, The best school by far for children with special/complex needs."

- Parent

The positive attendance trends at Discovery Special Academy.

-IQM Assessor

The children are blessed to have staff like that. All they want is for your child to succeed.


I had the best day. The kids are gorgeous and the teachers and staff are so organised, just perfect. Just how it should be!

-Supply Teacher

I think it is lovely how each staff member understands each child. There is an amazing atmosphere and the environment is key.

-Trainee Teacher

The staff at Discovery genuinely care about their students well-being and their happiness and that shines through


I wouldn’t have my child anywhere else, we all love Discovery


This is a place where children are safe, want to be and want to learn.

-IQM Assessor

I love how much my child has come on since joining Discovery


Discovery Special Academy is an amazing school, it caters for children and their individual specific needs with that extra caring touch


She loves going to school and the progress she has made is fantastic, the communication and support is brilliant for not only my child but as a family too


The school is amazing and before my son attended he couldn’t do all the things he can now, and as a Dad I am very happy


The relationship between the staff and pupils is kind, caring and patient. The staff go above and beyond to cater to every child's needs.

-Trainee Teacher

I couldn’t be happier with my child’s progress since starting at Discovery


When we started visiting Discovery Academy with our dogs we weren't sure what to expect or how the dogs would take to it. The staff have been so lovely and welcoming. The reaction of the children has been amazing. The school is totally inspirational. Each week when we drive away we know we have made a difference to those children's lives and are very proud of our dogs.

-Lynne and Paul (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

My son is learning new things everyday.


I honestly cant' thank the staff enough, they are all amazing.


Well that was an amazing session. We were both blown away by the children, staff and school.

-Lynne (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

It is clear at Discovery that the adults and children have mutual respect and adoration for each other

-Trainee Teacher

Every day when I drop my child off and pick him up I see all of the staff smiling, the children are all smiling, staff and children are interacting with each other so lovely, everybody who I speak to is so kind and helpful and I can see the love and care that everyone has for the children, I am so happy that my child comes to this school.


Dave and I really enjoyed teaching the children. All the classes were happy and well mannered with some good swimmers too. Staff were very professional at all times and that showed in the children's ability to learn. We hope that you enjoyed the lessons and would love to see you back in September.

-Dave and Dianne (Ashgrove Lodge)

My child had a great night 10pm that's the earliest she has gone to sleep with no fuss till 7.30am this morning. She did not want to get up this morning. I can't thank you enough for your support that's the best nights sleep I've had in 2 years. Thank you so much for all of your schools support. Massive thank you to the lady and the driver who picks my child up they are amazing they make my child and me feel so comfortable sends her into school. Thank you.


Thank you so much for making my visit so memorable. It was a real pleasure to come and share my books with the pupils. They were all wonderful and should be very proud of themselves. It was such an honour to see them doing activities inspired by my books - and it warmed my heart to see how inclusive the school is.

-Author from our visit

I am so happy. My child said two words to me for the first time today. Thank you very much to all the wonderful teachers.


Since starting Discovery, I feel all of his needs have been met. He is settled at home and relaxed.


We can't believe the difference in just a few weeks of being at Discovery.


We have noticed such a positive difference at home, they are sleeping better. Thank you.


This week in Maddi’s Class, we have been learning about animals and their homes and the book we are currently reading is ‘The Three Little Pigs’ which the children have loved! Some of the children have been re-enacting the story using pig and wolf masks and playing ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’.

We have built and made houses for the pigs using a variety of materials; ‘bricks’, straw, sticks, and had a pig tea party! We then had paint and shaving foam as ‘ice cream’ to scoop and explore. This was the most mess we have ever made and we all loved it!

This term we have also been able to explore outdoors more with the lovely weather, we have enjoyed ice lollies, water play, and painting on ice. Everyone has had a go on the bikes, and also enjoyed our climbing equipment outside.

Before the May half-term, we had caterpillars in class, the children loved watching the caterpillars grow whilst we had been reading ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ story as a class. Our caterpillars then became butterflies!

We have had so many adventures this year and learnt so much! The children have developed some lovely friendships, and have enjoyed all of our activities, learning from each other and the adults. It has been a gorgeous year!

Explorer of the Week

Well done to all our Explorers

Becky’s Class Ruby-Rae Sitting independently for parachute games

Maddi’s Class Teddy Transitioning well between activities and being kind and helpful to his friends

Charlotte’s Class Jenson For singing the maths song to the class, with such confidence.

Lara’s Class Lucia For always having a smile on her face and being thoughtful and caring towards others.

Jenni’s Class Ralfs Amazing photography skills on our trip

Clare’s Class Isla Working so hard on writing at length.

Michelle’s Class Toby Sitting independently for activities

Sophie’s Class Otis For requesting sensory time with an adult.

Kathryn’s Class Kimberley Trying her best to work independently

Sarah’s Class Harvey Trying hard with his direction work

Latest News

Academy News

Discovery Blog 18.10.2024

This week we have moved into our new classroom on the Sandy...

Full details

Discovery Blog 11.10.2024

This week the children in Sophie's class have been learning all about...

Full details

Discovery Blog 04.10.2024

In Alex’s class the children have been enjoying studying their new subject...

Full details

Discovery Blog 27.09.2024

This week in Kathryn’s class, we have been experimenting with light! We...

Full details

Discovery Blog 20.09.2024

The children have settled so well into nursery. We have had a...

Full details

Discovery Blog 13.09.2024

In Charlotte's class this week we have been settling into the new...

Full details

Our School


When you enter the main building, you are greeted by a beautiful large fish tank and an overwhelming sense of calm and quietness. That is not to say incidents don’t happen, they do, but the staff have a very calm manner of dealing with things.

Moving through the school and its grounds you see that Discovery Special Academy and the Trust recognise the uniqueness of every child and promotes inclusion through their holistic approach. Having an holistic approach to ensure the children made progress socially and emotionally as well as academically was evident and underpinned every decision the school leaders and staff made.

Staff across school are passionate about supporting all children and everything they do places the children firmly at the centre. Staff work as a close team and feel trusted to work for the good of all. They are innovative in their approach to supporting the needs of children. The clear systems and processes evidenced in their daily day-to-day practice make school a calm place to learn and work.

Parents are extremely supportive and appreciative of the work of the school. One parent said of the staff ‘It’s like having another parent for my child’. Another said, ‘Everything I need is here from the staff because through their support they know the children better than we do’. Through the work of the Pastoral Team the school is keen to continue to encourage parents to play a part in school life.

There is a feeling of ambition, enthuisiam and passion for the students of Discovery

-IQM Assessor

You are all brilliant!


The environments have a calm feel to them. The classroom structure is suited to the pupil needs

-Student Teacher

My child has come on leaps and bounds since joining Discovery, staff are doing a fantastic job, the school is always willing to help in and outside of school.


The learning environment, resources and the use of ICT is designed to create an innovative and enriched experience for all pupils

-IQM Assessor

The staff have all been very nurturing and loving to the children. They are very fair.

-Student Teacher

Discovery is an amazing school with fantastic staff, who help your child through every aspect.


The environment is very calming and suited to the needs of children. Everything has been considered to make the best of the learning environment for the children.

-Student Teacher

Absolutely AMAZING school with brilliant, hard-working and passionate teachers and staff! I would 100% recommend Discovery to any parent. My child has made significant progress since starting Discovery, plus my child is so happy and enjoys going to school, couldn’t ask for anything better for my child.


We're really looking forward to working in your lovely school and supporting your wonderful pupils.

-Scott, NHS Eyecare Service

Thanks so much for taking the time to show us round - your school has such a lovely feel to it and we can’t wait to get started.

-Emma, NHS Eyecare Service

"You are fun, kind and always have my back. If it wasn’t for you my dinner times would be so boring. A big thanks to the staff for making sure all the kids were safe at all times and the children always made sure I wasn’t being boring by telling me what to play. Through discovery we grow."

- Discovery Playtime Buddy from Brambles Primary Academy

This is a school where relationships matter. Relationships are seen as pivotal to success and are valued and nurtured.

-IQM Assessor

I have enjoyed seeing the relationships that the staff build with every child, how personal everything is too each child to get the most from everyday.

-Trainee Teacher

"To all teachers and staff. Thank you so much for everything you have done for my daughter."

- Parent

"Very impressed with the energy and passion of the staff! Very dedicated team."

- Dance Teacher

Staff have worked hard to develop an understanding of each child and to ensure they develop into successful young people

-IQM Assessor

"We’ve noticed our son’s progress since he’s been here. He’s speaking in longer sentences and we don’t have as many melt downs. Well done team!"

- Parent

Ambition and high expectations are in evidence throughout the academy and children, staff and families have risen to this challenge.

-IQM Assessor

Discovery is a very friendly person centered school where every member of staff is passionate about meeting the needs of every child and progressing them onto their future.

-Trainee Teacher

Photographs in classrooms and corridors capture children deeply engaged in their learning and wider experiences.

-IQM Assessor

"I am really pleased with the progress my son has made since attending Discovery, he has come on in leaps and bounds and looks forward to going to school on a morning."

- Parent

"The staff at the academy do an amazing job. My son has come on so much in just his first term here."

- Parent

Celebration assembly demonstrated the flexible, responsive approach and the family spirit.

-IQM Assessor

"I cannot praise them enough. Every member of staff we have come across has been amazing, The best school by far for children with special/complex needs."

- Parent

The positive attendance trends at Discovery Special Academy.

-IQM Assessor

The children are blessed to have staff like that. All they want is for your child to succeed.


I had the best day. The kids are gorgeous and the teachers and staff are so organised, just perfect. Just how it should be!

-Supply Teacher

I think it is lovely how each staff member understands each child. There is an amazing atmosphere and the environment is key.

-Trainee Teacher

The staff at Discovery genuinely care about their students well-being and their happiness and that shines through


I wouldn’t have my child anywhere else, we all love Discovery


This is a place where children are safe, want to be and want to learn.

-IQM Assessor

I love how much my child has come on since joining Discovery


Discovery Special Academy is an amazing school, it caters for children and their individual specific needs with that extra caring touch


She loves going to school and the progress she has made is fantastic, the communication and support is brilliant for not only my child but as a family too


The school is amazing and before my son attended he couldn’t do all the things he can now, and as a Dad I am very happy


The relationship between the staff and pupils is kind, caring and patient. The staff go above and beyond to cater to every child's needs.

-Trainee Teacher

I couldn’t be happier with my child’s progress since starting at Discovery


When we started visiting Discovery Academy with our dogs we weren't sure what to expect or how the dogs would take to it. The staff have been so lovely and welcoming. The reaction of the children has been amazing. The school is totally inspirational. Each week when we drive away we know we have made a difference to those children's lives and are very proud of our dogs.

-Lynne and Paul (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

My son is learning new things everyday.


I honestly cant' thank the staff enough, they are all amazing.


Well that was an amazing session. We were both blown away by the children, staff and school.

-Lynne (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

It is clear at Discovery that the adults and children have mutual respect and adoration for each other

-Trainee Teacher

Every day when I drop my child off and pick him up I see all of the staff smiling, the children are all smiling, staff and children are interacting with each other so lovely, everybody who I speak to is so kind and helpful and I can see the love and care that everyone has for the children, I am so happy that my child comes to this school.


Dave and I really enjoyed teaching the children. All the classes were happy and well mannered with some good swimmers too. Staff were very professional at all times and that showed in the children's ability to learn. We hope that you enjoyed the lessons and would love to see you back in September.

-Dave and Dianne (Ashgrove Lodge)

My child had a great night 10pm that's the earliest she has gone to sleep with no fuss till 7.30am this morning. She did not want to get up this morning. I can't thank you enough for your support that's the best nights sleep I've had in 2 years. Thank you so much for all of your schools support. Massive thank you to the lady and the driver who picks my child up they are amazing they make my child and me feel so comfortable sends her into school. Thank you.


Thank you so much for making my visit so memorable. It was a real pleasure to come and share my books with the pupils. They were all wonderful and should be very proud of themselves. It was such an honour to see them doing activities inspired by my books - and it warmed my heart to see how inclusive the school is.

-Author from our visit

I am so happy. My child said two words to me for the first time today. Thank you very much to all the wonderful teachers.


Since starting Discovery, I feel all of his needs have been met. He is settled at home and relaxed.


We can't believe the difference in just a few weeks of being at Discovery.


We have noticed such a positive difference at home, they are sleeping better. Thank you.


This term in Morgan’s class we have been learning about under the sea. We have enjoyed looking at different sea creatures and learning the Makaton sign.

The children have enjoyed matching sea creatures to their correct colours, matching sea animals to the numeral and hunting for different sea creatures in a variety of messy mediums.

The pupils have enjoyed practising their turn taking and waiting skills with cause and effect toys and they all loved the singing and talking cactus!

We have also had a virtual plane ride to Mexico to visit the sandy beaches, dress up as Mariachi and explore some wonderful foods!

Explorers of the Week

Well done to all our Explorers

Maddi’s Class Harper For excellent engagement with everything and trying really hard with her speech

Hanna’s Class Vinnie  for increased independence when engaging in personal care, such as feeding himself his yoghurt, and following instructions well.

Morgan’s Class Blake For giving up a favoured resource and leaving it at school! 

Charlotte’s Class Fabian For seeking shared interaction with an adult and using a symbol to request more.

Lara’s Class Katie For always showing enthusiasm and putting 100% into her learning.

Kirsty’s Class Miles For trying new foods in DT

Jenni’s Class Siham For communicating using his words, and following instructions.

Clare’s Class Saffron For her fabulous art work!

Michelle’s Class Grace making requests in a calm manner. 

Alex’s Class Lillie-May For fantastic effort in choir and showing bravery

Kathryn’s Class Simrah Working hard on independent writing

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Academy News

Discovery Blog 18.10.2024

This week we have moved into our new classroom on the Sandy...

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Discovery Blog 11.10.2024

This week the children in Sophie's class have been learning all about...

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Discovery Blog 04.10.2024

In Alex’s class the children have been enjoying studying their new subject...

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Discovery Blog 27.09.2024

This week in Kathryn’s class, we have been experimenting with light! We...

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Discovery Blog 20.09.2024

The children have settled so well into nursery. We have had a...

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Discovery Blog 13.09.2024

In Charlotte's class this week we have been settling into the new...

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Our School


When you enter the main building, you are greeted by a beautiful large fish tank and an overwhelming sense of calm and quietness. That is not to say incidents don’t happen, they do, but the staff have a very calm manner of dealing with things.

Moving through the school and its grounds you see that Discovery Special Academy and the Trust recognise the uniqueness of every child and promotes inclusion through their holistic approach. Having an holistic approach to ensure the children made progress socially and emotionally as well as academically was evident and underpinned every decision the school leaders and staff made.

Staff across school are passionate about supporting all children and everything they do places the children firmly at the centre. Staff work as a close team and feel trusted to work for the good of all. They are innovative in their approach to supporting the needs of children. The clear systems and processes evidenced in their daily day-to-day practice make school a calm place to learn and work.

Parents are extremely supportive and appreciative of the work of the school. One parent said of the staff ‘It’s like having another parent for my child’. Another said, ‘Everything I need is here from the staff because through their support they know the children better than we do’. Through the work of the Pastoral Team the school is keen to continue to encourage parents to play a part in school life.

There is a feeling of ambition, enthuisiam and passion for the students of Discovery

-IQM Assessor

You are all brilliant!


The environments have a calm feel to them. The classroom structure is suited to the pupil needs

-Student Teacher

My child has come on leaps and bounds since joining Discovery, staff are doing a fantastic job, the school is always willing to help in and outside of school.


The learning environment, resources and the use of ICT is designed to create an innovative and enriched experience for all pupils

-IQM Assessor

The staff have all been very nurturing and loving to the children. They are very fair.

-Student Teacher

Discovery is an amazing school with fantastic staff, who help your child through every aspect.


The environment is very calming and suited to the needs of children. Everything has been considered to make the best of the learning environment for the children.

-Student Teacher

Absolutely AMAZING school with brilliant, hard-working and passionate teachers and staff! I would 100% recommend Discovery to any parent. My child has made significant progress since starting Discovery, plus my child is so happy and enjoys going to school, couldn’t ask for anything better for my child.


We're really looking forward to working in your lovely school and supporting your wonderful pupils.

-Scott, NHS Eyecare Service

Thanks so much for taking the time to show us round - your school has such a lovely feel to it and we can’t wait to get started.

-Emma, NHS Eyecare Service

"You are fun, kind and always have my back. If it wasn’t for you my dinner times would be so boring. A big thanks to the staff for making sure all the kids were safe at all times and the children always made sure I wasn’t being boring by telling me what to play. Through discovery we grow."

- Discovery Playtime Buddy from Brambles Primary Academy

This is a school where relationships matter. Relationships are seen as pivotal to success and are valued and nurtured.

-IQM Assessor

I have enjoyed seeing the relationships that the staff build with every child, how personal everything is too each child to get the most from everyday.

-Trainee Teacher

"To all teachers and staff. Thank you so much for everything you have done for my daughter."

- Parent

"Very impressed with the energy and passion of the staff! Very dedicated team."

- Dance Teacher

Staff have worked hard to develop an understanding of each child and to ensure they develop into successful young people

-IQM Assessor

"We’ve noticed our son’s progress since he’s been here. He’s speaking in longer sentences and we don’t have as many melt downs. Well done team!"

- Parent

Ambition and high expectations are in evidence throughout the academy and children, staff and families have risen to this challenge.

-IQM Assessor

Discovery is a very friendly person centered school where every member of staff is passionate about meeting the needs of every child and progressing them onto their future.

-Trainee Teacher

Photographs in classrooms and corridors capture children deeply engaged in their learning and wider experiences.

-IQM Assessor

"I am really pleased with the progress my son has made since attending Discovery, he has come on in leaps and bounds and looks forward to going to school on a morning."

- Parent

"The staff at the academy do an amazing job. My son has come on so much in just his first term here."

- Parent

Celebration assembly demonstrated the flexible, responsive approach and the family spirit.

-IQM Assessor

"I cannot praise them enough. Every member of staff we have come across has been amazing, The best school by far for children with special/complex needs."

- Parent

The positive attendance trends at Discovery Special Academy.

-IQM Assessor

The children are blessed to have staff like that. All they want is for your child to succeed.


I had the best day. The kids are gorgeous and the teachers and staff are so organised, just perfect. Just how it should be!

-Supply Teacher

I think it is lovely how each staff member understands each child. There is an amazing atmosphere and the environment is key.

-Trainee Teacher

The staff at Discovery genuinely care about their students well-being and their happiness and that shines through


I wouldn’t have my child anywhere else, we all love Discovery


This is a place where children are safe, want to be and want to learn.

-IQM Assessor

I love how much my child has come on since joining Discovery


Discovery Special Academy is an amazing school, it caters for children and their individual specific needs with that extra caring touch


She loves going to school and the progress she has made is fantastic, the communication and support is brilliant for not only my child but as a family too


The school is amazing and before my son attended he couldn’t do all the things he can now, and as a Dad I am very happy


The relationship between the staff and pupils is kind, caring and patient. The staff go above and beyond to cater to every child's needs.

-Trainee Teacher

I couldn’t be happier with my child’s progress since starting at Discovery


When we started visiting Discovery Academy with our dogs we weren't sure what to expect or how the dogs would take to it. The staff have been so lovely and welcoming. The reaction of the children has been amazing. The school is totally inspirational. Each week when we drive away we know we have made a difference to those children's lives and are very proud of our dogs.

-Lynne and Paul (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

My son is learning new things everyday.


I honestly cant' thank the staff enough, they are all amazing.


Well that was an amazing session. We were both blown away by the children, staff and school.

-Lynne (Therapy Dogs Nationwide)

It is clear at Discovery that the adults and children have mutual respect and adoration for each other

-Trainee Teacher

Every day when I drop my child off and pick him up I see all of the staff smiling, the children are all smiling, staff and children are interacting with each other so lovely, everybody who I speak to is so kind and helpful and I can see the love and care that everyone has for the children, I am so happy that my child comes to this school.


Dave and I really enjoyed teaching the children. All the classes were happy and well mannered with some good swimmers too. Staff were very professional at all times and that showed in the children's ability to learn. We hope that you enjoyed the lessons and would love to see you back in September.

-Dave and Dianne (Ashgrove Lodge)

My child had a great night 10pm that's the earliest she has gone to sleep with no fuss till 7.30am this morning. She did not want to get up this morning. I can't thank you enough for your support that's the best nights sleep I've had in 2 years. Thank you so much for all of your schools support. Massive thank you to the lady and the driver who picks my child up they are amazing they make my child and me feel so comfortable sends her into school. Thank you.


Thank you so much for making my visit so memorable. It was a real pleasure to come and share my books with the pupils. They were all wonderful and should be very proud of themselves. It was such an honour to see them doing activities inspired by my books - and it warmed my heart to see how inclusive the school is.

-Author from our visit

I am so happy. My child said two words to me for the first time today. Thank you very much to all the wonderful teachers.


Since starting Discovery, I feel all of his needs have been met. He is settled at home and relaxed.


We can't believe the difference in just a few weeks of being at Discovery.


We have noticed such a positive difference at home, they are sleeping better. Thank you.


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Tees Valley Education