We have been visiting our Sensory Rooms to help to regulate ourselves for learning. We climb, swing and bounce in the Sensory Integration Room to help with our proprioceptive and vestibular systems and learn to calm and relax our bodies in our low stim Sensory Light Room. Once we feel regulated we are ready to learn in our indoor and outdoor environments. We have been learning about the different animals that live on a Farm, whilst continuing to developing our maths, reading and mark-making skills.
Tuesday 14th February- Grace’s Class Swimming AM
Wednesday 15th February- David’s Class trip to Newham Grange Farm AM
Thrift Shop Open at Sandy Flatts Lane from 9:30am to 10:45am
Thursday 16th February- Last day of term for pupils
Cheryl’s class- Ben, for keeping his shoes on and requesting an adult to put them on for him. Well done!
Becky’s class -Isa, for wearing his new glasses all day.
Hanna’s class- Noah, for fantastic engagement, interactions and verbalisations! Well done!
Leanne’s class- Blake, for fantastic reading!
Zahida’s class- Essa, for learning his action words.
Grace’s class- Mohamad, for excellent work reading music.
Sophie’s class- Tia, for trying really hard to apply her phonics knowledge in her writing.
Morgan’s class- Esme, for using the soundboard in class to make requests.
Jenni’ class- Jude, for listening and following instructions to help a member of staff.
Michelle’s class- Izack, for trying his best with every aspect of curriculum all week.
Lara’s class- Halle, for engaging with her peers in her class.
Charlotte’s class- Furqan, for following his timetable and regulating his emotions.
Andy’s class- Matthew, for engaging his STEM activities.
David’s Class- Kian, for using picture exchange so well.
Just a quick reminder that Discovery now use schoolcomms an app in which you can text the school and use to pay for dinner money/school trips. If you have any problems using the app, please contact the school office.
Look at what Andy's Class have been doing this week! This week,...
Full detailsLook what Grace's class have been doing this week... Grace's class have...
Full detailsWe are very pleased to announce that Discovery Special Academy has just...
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