In literacy this term we have been reading the book ‘The Enormous Turnip’. The children have enjoyed sequencing the story using props and have acted out the story in class. They did a fantastic performance of the story in the whole school assembly. It was amazing!
We have also done a lot of baking this term and we recently baked and decorated cakes for our classroom picnic as part of our mindfulness week.
We enjoyed exploring the nature around us during our walk at natures world as part of walk to school week.
In Music we have enjoyed playing a variety of instruments. We have followed along with familiar songs and rhymes and have explored playing our instruments in a range of different ways.
Michelle S & Sophie S class visiting Middlesbrough Central Library – Monday 22/05/2023
Nursery Trip to Coulby Farm – Tuesday 23/05/2023
Break up for May Half-Term – Friday 26/05/2023
Becky’s class- Charlie, for playing ‘Roll the ball’ with an adult
Hanna’s class- Noah, for excellent participation in math’s and cooking. Well done!
Kirsty’s class- Amber, for using her voice to communicate
Morgan’s class- Lily, for sitting longer at the table when completing activities
Jenni’ class- Finley, for growing his independence at home and at school, dressing himself on his own for bed and PE.
Michelle’s class- Kiki, for curiosity in phonics, asking questions and matching sounds to letters
Lara’s class- Miles, for transitioning well this week
Charlotte’s class- The whole class, for being independent walking around Nature’s World
Grace’s Class- Charlie, for fantastic effort in Career’s Week
Andy’s class- Alfie, for being a fantastic role model during Careers Week
David’s Class- Elijah, for Settling in quickly to his new class and engaging with his peers
Zahida’s class- Louie, for making the right choices
Sophie’s class- Lloyd, for trying hard in choir and working through his nerves
Please find below a link to the Parents Survey from Sandra Calvert (Principle Educational Psychologist asking what training and support would be useful
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Look at what Michelle's Class have been doing this week! It was...
Full detailsThis week in Kathryn’s class, we have been experimenting with light! We...
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