This term in Morgan’s class we have been learning about under the sea. We have enjoyed looking at different sea creatures and learning the Makaton sign.

The children have enjoyed matching sea creatures to their correct colours, matching sea animals to the numeral and hunting for different sea creatures in a variety of messy mediums.

The pupils have enjoyed practising their turn taking and waiting skills with cause and effect toys and they all loved the singing and talking cactus!

We have also had a virtual plane ride to Mexico to visit the sandy beaches, dress up as Mariachi and explore some wonderful foods!

Explorers of the Week

Well done to all our Explorers

Maddi’s Class Harper For excellent engagement with everything and trying really hard with her speech

Hanna’s Class Vinnie  for increased independence when engaging in personal care, such as feeding himself his yoghurt, and following instructions well.

Morgan’s Class Blake For giving up a favoured resource and leaving it at school! 

Charlotte’s Class Fabian For seeking shared interaction with an adult and using a symbol to request more.

Lara’s Class Katie For always showing enthusiasm and putting 100% into her learning.

Kirsty’s Class Miles For trying new foods in DT

Jenni’s Class Siham For communicating using his words, and following instructions.

Clare’s Class Saffron For her fabulous art work!

Michelle’s Class Grace making requests in a calm manner. 

Alex’s Class Lillie-May For fantastic effort in choir and showing bravery

Kathryn’s Class Simrah Working hard on independent writing

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