In Jenni’s class we have been learning lots.
In science we are learning all about plants, what they need to grow and we have even begun to grow our own Sunflowers from a seed, we are enjoying watching them grow.
In a special celebration we learnt all about D-Day – what happened and what it means to people now. We learnt about the countries that fought in the War and the nicknames for the beaches that the soldiers landed on on D-Day. We created a piece of Art work to remember the Normandy Landings.
And in Computing we have been learning about coding – inputting instructions and working out if they do what we want them too. We have been using Beebots and Coding Caterpillars to explore how to put in information in the form of directions and seeing where they go. The children have all loved exploring the robots.
Explorers of the Week
Well done to all of our Explorers!
Becky’s Class Idris Sharing with his friends- Well done!
Maddi’s Class Poppy For developing her independence skills so well during snack and lunch times
Hanna’s Class Charlotte using symbol exchnage to communicate what she would like at snack time. Dominic’s Class Harrison For trying new things at lunch time
Lara’s Class Amber For trying really hard in her phonics and reading her first CVC words book.
Jenni’s Class Louie For being really helpful to his friends, even supporting them to learn how to blend cvc words.
Michelle’s Class Jack Joining in with group singing.
Sophie’s Class River For using his communication book to extend his sentences.
Alex’s Class Tia For being an amazing role model and trying her best with everything she does
Kathryn’s Class Zahra Independent effort in English
Sarah’s Class Holly For super phonics work all week!
Look at what Sophie's class have been doing this Week! This half...
Full detailsLook what Zahida's class have been doing this week. Explorer of the...
Full detailsLook at what Leanne's Class have been doing this week! We have...
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