Look at what Cheryl’s Class have been doing this week!

In nursery, we are trying to develop our gross and fine motor skills. We do this in lots of different ways. This is to prepare our children for more formal writing skills as they develop. We love getting busy!

Dates for Diaries

Wednesday 8th February- Secondary STEM Event all day

Thursday 9th February- Jenni’s Class Horse Riding

Explorer of the Week

Cheryl’s class- Harper, For following instructions and routines and sitting for circle time. 

Becky’s class- Hunter, For fantastic eye contact when sharing songs with an adult

Leanne’s class- Enas, for beginning to interact with her peers. Well done Enas!

Zahida’s class- Louie, for using his voice to communicate with his friends.

Grace’s class- Erin, for asking excellent questions in Science

Sophie’s class- Harvey, for making excellent predictions in Guided Reading. 

Morgan’s class- Scarlett, for leading staff by their hands to ask for help .

Jenni’ class- Morgan, for growing in confidence and trying new things during horse riding. 

Michelle’s class- Oliver, for independantly writing a thank you letter. 

Charlotte’s class- Archie, for communicating by leading an adult to what he wants.

Andy’s class- Alfie, for trying new things and being brave, even though he was nervous.

David’s Class- Abdul, for engagemenmt in learning tasks – with a smile

County Line Free Webinar

Makaton in Asda

Children’s Grief Support

Daisy Chain Support


A quick reminder that the school does now use schoolcomms!

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