Look at what Dom’s Class has been doing this week

Over the past couple of weeks in Dominic’s class, we have been learning about the story ‘The tiger who comes to tea’. We explored a tiger who comes to tea tuff tray through imaginative play. We used our pouring and stirring skills to make cupcakes and had our own tea party. We also learnt the nursery rhyme ‘I’m a little teapot’ and sang it together and with an adult. We practised our fine motor skills using a peg board and explored counting songs and activities.

Explorer of the Week

Becky’s class Myla  For fantastic colour sorting

Hanna’s class Jessica  for an amazing week of engagement in activities, as well as following her visual timetable and instuctions. Well done!

Dominic’s class Harrison For listening, following instructions and fantastic phonics work

Zahida’s class Victor For engaging in all areas of his learning

Charlotte’s class Amiena For excellent communication and interaction with staff and peers.

Kirsty’s class Miles  For fantastic writing, well done Miles

Jenni’s class Siham Amazing reading of CVC words and brilliant work in phonics.

David’s class Oliver For creating imaginative sentences in writing.

Michelle’s class Esme   Playing people games with an adult 

Sophie’s class Daniel For settling well on a new school bus. 

Sarah’s class Lexi For coming in full days and showing great engagement in every lesson

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