What a fantastic end to the term and year. All our pupils from nursery to year 7 have worked so hard and are well and truly ready for some time at home. We have achieved so much in such a short period of time and it is wonderful to see the progress all pupils have made. Have a wonderful Christmas and we look forward to seeing your children back on Tuesday 3rd January 2023.
Tuesday 3rd January- First day of term
Thursday 5th January- Jenni’s Class Horse Riding AM
Cheryl’s Class- Everyone, for a fantastic first term in nursery, following routines and making relationships. Well done everyone!
Becky’s Class- Harrison, for wonderful mark making
Hanna’s Class- Kody, for lovely engagement and interaction with staff and in a wide range of activities
Leanne’s Class- Toby and Elijah, for sitting well and building my attention at group times (Toby). For excellent use of my communication book at dinner time (Elijah)
Lara’s Class- Lucia, for good signing and singing the alphabet.
Morgan’s Class- Natan, for being able to tell staff what day of the week it is from Monday to Friday
Charlotte’s Class- Ameina, for developing counting and number recognition skills
Zahida’s Class- Tilly Ann, for trying hard with her name writing and remembering to make the right choices.
Jenni’s Class- Zaky, for his fantastic effort in his written work, and for asking some brilliant questions about our naughty elves.
Michelle’s Class- Benny, been kind and helpful all week.
Sophie’s Class- Jaycee, for her kind words and thoughtfullness towards others.
Andy’s Class- Aqsa, for constant dedication and hard work
Grace’s Class- Lexi-Mae, for lovely poem writing
Look at what Clare's Class have been doing this week. 999 calls...
Full detailsLook at what Charlotte's Class have been doing this week! In Charlotte's...
Full detailsLook at what David's Class have been doing this week! David's class...
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